A Thigh Lift Surgery Can Improve the Contours of Your Body

Not everyone is born with ideal thighs. As one ages and the body changes, the thigh can grow out of proportion and look asymmetrical to the rest of the body. You may not always have the time to invest in working out your legs to improve the look of your thighs, or losing weight in general may be too difficult. These circumstances can lead to a loss of self esteem, a lack of confidence, and make you feel uncomfortable in your own body.
Thankfully, with a simple thigh lift procedure, you can kiss your woes goodbye and welcome a new body that is healthy and fit, with the well-defined contours you desire. A thigh lift surgery essentially works to remove excess fat and skin from the area around your thighs to give it a more toned appearance.
While a liposuction is generally utilized to slim down various areas of the body, including the thighs, a thigh lift may sometimes be recommended along with it. The main difference here is that a liposuction requires good skin elasticity for the best end result. If your skin is not elastic enough, then a thigh lift will be the ideal solution for you.
While a thigh lift is a safe procedure and suitable for different types of people, not everyone can undergo the surgery. You must first find out if you will be a candidate before being considered for the surgery.
You need to have a stable weight and enough soft tissue around the medial (inner) thigh region and lateral (outer) thigh region. You should also not have any preexisting conditions such as heart or blood problems that can affect the surgery and hinder your recovery. You should be a nonsmoker, or be ready to quit smoking for some time, and be committed to maintaining your body weight. While a thigh lift can give you the well contoured thighs you desire, it is your job to ensure that they continue to look like that moving forward.
What You Need To Know About A Thigh Lift Surgery
Before moving forward with the surgery, you should do your research and find a skilled surgeon who has experience performing the surgery. The surgeon should have a proven track record of success and you should be comfortable letting him work on your body. When talking to your surgeon, you should discuss in detail what you hope to achieve from the surgery and ensure that you have realistic expectations of what you can obtain.
During the surgery, you will initially be given an anesthetic to help ease any discomfort. Following this, incisions are made around your groin which either extends back to your hips (outer thigh lift) or extends around the backside of the thigh area (inner thigh lift). After the operation, the area is secured by either sutures, clips, or adhesive tapes for the skin.
Post-operative care is extremely important. While you may notice visible changes immediately, it may take for up to a month for the full changes to become apparent. Ensure that you take care of the specific site of the operation, take your prescribed medications and go for your assigned follow-ups without fail.
Small tubes may be placed temporarily under the skin to allow for the draining of excess fluid that may collect there. A thigh lift surgery is not a major surgery, but the results are prominent, and has the power to spread confidence and security among those who attempt it.
Contact Our Office
Are you ready to change your life? Contact our office to schedule an appointment with Dr. John D. Rachel. As Quadruple Board-certified plastic surgeon, he can help deliver the visual improvements you desire so that you can feel happy and confident in your own body.